Microcredit can ensure prosperity, even for the smallest
The final virtual conference of the ATM for SMEs project was held on 8 December. Tibor Szekfü, director of the consortium leader Fejér Enterprise Agency summarized the project learning and achievements:2021/01/27, Credinfo -
Microfinance can offer real help to the smallest - even in the COVID crisis
Strengthening microfinance institutions and their services to SMEs is becoming more and more important – this was the main message of the “ATM for SMEs” project dissemination conference. In the current economic downturn, subsidized microfinance is a powerful tool to help microfinances survive the crisis and each entrepreneur should have access.2020/11/26, Credinfo -
Showing the new era of microfinance
2020/03/08, Credinfo -
Exchange of experiences in Spain
The Fejér Enterprise Agency organized a study trip to Spain for the members of the Hungarian Microfinance Association. The delegation studied the group lending activity of the Treball Solidari Foundation.2014/07/17, RVA Group -
Microfinance can boost employment
The central theme of the 11th Annual Conference of the European Microfianance Network was “Employment – Challenges and Opportunities for Microfinance.” The international conference was celebrated in Lisboa, on 19-20 June.2014/07/17, RVA Group -
Hungarian professionals’ visit to Spanish microfinance organization
Within the scope of the co-operation between the Spanish Microfinance Association and the Hungarian Microfinance Network a group of Hungarian professionals visited PINNAE Fundació in Barcelona, Spain to study its microcrediting, training and mentoring activities.2014/05/27, RVA Group -
Innomarathon 2014 in Székesfehérvár
As a part of Innomarathon 2014 Intensive Programme, a visit to Alba Regia University Centre, Óbuda University was organized on 3rd of April 2014.2014/04/28, RVA Group -
Students from Székesfehérvár win the first “Student Entrepreneur Competition,” organized by FEA
110 teams of high-school students entered the first nation-wide “Student Entrepreneur Competition,” organized by the Fejér Enterprise Agency and the National Consortium for the development of SMEs. The winners were students of the Székesfehérvár-based Lánczos Kornél High School.2014/05/20, RVA Group -
"Return Ticket" national conference in Hungary
A national conference was dedicated to the achievements and outputs of the Re-Turn project in Hungary. The project aims at creating framework conditions for retaining human capital and countering brain drain.2014/05/15, RVA Group