About Us

The official distributor and operator of CREDINFO International Credit Information and Enterprise Development Portal is Monitor Számítástechnikai Fejlesztő Kft, which has been dealing with the IT development of management information and recording systems relating to microfinance and enterprise development since 1993. (The owner of the Portal is CREDINFO Kft, which is the “project company” of Monitor Kft.)

The primary services provided by our company are the provision, maintenance and monitoring of the recording systems of the various microcredit projects, as well as data recording, data processing and handling data transfer relating to the performance of the obligation to supply information prescribed by the New Hungary Microcredit Project (the Hungarian JEREMIE project).
Our company provides the recording system for the local microcredit projects and deals with data recording, data processing and handling data transfer relating to the performance of the obligation to supply information prescribed by the New Hungary Microcredit Project (the Hungarian JEREMIE project) for the members of our biggest financing partner, the Hungarian Microfinance Network®.

The professional supporter of our service providing system is Fejér Enterprise Agency (FEA®), the owner of Hungarian Enterprise Agency. As a professional partner of FEA®, our company developed the Internet-based service providing system aiming at the development of enterprises of Hungarian Enterprise Agency.

Nándor Benczur, Tibor Szekfü, Klaas Molenaar The microfinance practice built on the innovative, Internet based microcredit management system developed in co-operation with our professional supporter, FEA® was selected among the five best practices in the Microfinance Good Practices Europe Award – Microfinance, innovation and sustainability by the scientific committee of the award in 2009. We provide access to this advanced – internationally acknowledged – innovative technology – together with numerous other services – via our Portal for all the joining microfinance institutions and other users.
Milan, jun. 04, 2009.
