Product/Service Browser

  • Dentist-patient care

    General dentist's one and the academic specialisation dentist supply, (dentistry, endodontia, child dentistry; mouth pathology). Orthodontics. Operative dental activity.

    2012-12-10 00:00:00.0
  • saját tulajdonú, bérelt ingatlan bérbeadás, üzemeltetése

    irodák cégek számára történő ingatlan üzemeltetése, bérbeadása

  • Gépjármű kerekedelem

    Személy és könnyű gépjárművek kereskedelmével valamint hitel és lízing ügyletek lebonyolításával foglalkozom.

    2011-12-15 00:00:00.0
  • Restaurant, moving hospitality

    The hospitality, with which he deals because of beginning, is the undertaking's tensile activity. Runs Holsten Étterem in the framework of this that onto the supply of the claims of suitable hospitality bought in the traditional sense.

    2012-12-10 00:00:00.0
  • Kereskedelem

    A kereskedelem a termelés és a fogyasztás közé beépülő közvetítés , amely biztosítja , hogy a megtermelt javak eljussanak a fogyasztóhoz , illetve a termelő eladhasa a termelt áruját.

    1991-01-16 00:00:00.0
  • Manager filtration

    The manager filtration a hypotenuse implies an examination row, the part of which a full state survey is,. We bring this from the aim of positively full examination onto existence and we develop it based on our clients' claims. To the professional working (to the examinations and the diagnoses) internist and gynaecologist specialist specialists get to a withdrawal.

    2012-12-12 00:00:00.0
  • dohánytermék-kiskereskedelem


    2013-07-01 00:00:00.0
  • Other food wholesale trade

    The undertaking's tensile activity the food wholesale trade, the central element of which the ice-cream dust distributed in the big item is. We run an own sweetshop beside this, from where we supply Jordanics Cukrászda with different confectionery artefacts.

    2012-12-10 00:00:00.0

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